UNDP awards 5 corruption investigations carried out by the Center for Investigative Journalism


Five out of nine investigations awarded in a competition for best journalistic corruption investigations organized by UNDP, were accomplished under the projects carried out by the Center for Investigative Journalism. 

First place was awarded to Mariana Rata, coordinating- editor at the Center for Investigative Journalism for a detailed investigation into the mafia of anabolics. Ilie Gulca and Madalin Necsutu were also awarded I place for an investigation about the grain market in Moldova. The authors of a video investigation about medicines imported from Ukraine were awarded II place and journalists who reported about the independence of gas of Moldova and Ukraine gained third prize. All four investigations were accomplished under several projects carried out by the Center for Investigative Journalism in partnership with Freedom House.

Journalist Viorica Zaharia wrote an investigation about the luxury house of Vadim Branzaniuc, spokesperson of Chisinau City Hall and was awarded III place. This investigation was accomplished under the Campaign „Journalists for integrity in public service”, held with the support of Soros Foundation Moldova.

I Prize:

Anabolics mafia. The clandestine road of steroids from Moldova to foreign sportspeople”, author Mariana Rata;

Grain market in Moldova, under the Russian monopoly”, authors Madalin Necsutu and Ilie Gulca.

II Prize:

Prices for Ukrainian medicines increase three times before they reach pharmacies in Moldova”, authors Svetlana Gore, Grigoriy Ivanchenko, Vladimir Sarkisyan and Natalya Zheleznova.

III Prize:

Spokesperson of Chisinau City Hall, with a luxury house and beneficiary of financial aid from budget”, author Viorica Zaharia;

Energy (in)dependence of Ukraine and Moldova”, authors Anastasia Cucuruz, Ghenadie Brega (Republic of Moldova) and Elena Cernisova (Ukraine). 

15 journalists participated in the competition. They presented 42 investigations focused on corruption facts, mismanagement of public funds and public property, undeclared property and businesses etc. The articles were developed and published during January-October 2016.